According to the American Academy of Audiology, one in three adults over 60 has hearing loss. The rate increases for seniors 85 and older: half of those in this age group live with hearing impairment.
Auditory impairments come in many forms, and among the most common is conductive hearing loss. If left untreated, this condition can worsen or become permanent and disabling. For these reasons, it pays for older adults to learn about conductive hearing loss, its causes, symptoms, and treatment options.
So, join us today at Spring Mill Senior Living, our senior living community in Phoenixville, PA, as we explore and share valuable insights into conductive hearing loss in this guide.
Causes of Conductive Hearing Loss
Conductive hearing loss results from problems affecting the outer ear, middle ear, or both. When these issues arise, sounds can’t reach the cochlea in the inner ear. The cochlea is a tiny, spiral-shaped organ that turns sound waves into impulses the brain can interpret as sounds.
Here are some of the most common problems that cause conductive hearing loss and adversely affect senior hearing health:
Cerumen Accumulation
Inside the ear canal are glands that produce cerumen, or “ear wax.” While this oily substance may look and feel “icky,” it plays many vital roles in ear health, as it:
- Traps foreign particles like dust, dirt, and small insects that may enter the ear canal
- Protects the ear canal’s sensitive and delicate skin from irritation, which may occur if water enters the canal
- Lubricates and keeps the skin of the ear canal moist
Cerumen has a “self-cleaning” mechanism; natural jaw movements typically push it toward the ear opening. It then gets removed through proper hygiene habits like hair washing and showering.
However, as the Cleveland Clinic explains, some people produce more earwax than others. As a result, they’re more prone to ear wax build-up, which can then harden and become impacted. If this happens, conductive hearing loss may follow.
Aging can also contribute to conductive hearing loss caused by cerumen accumulation. According to, ear wax can become drier and stickier as people age, increasing the risk of wax build-up.
Ear Infections
Ear infections can lead to conductive hearing loss because they often cause fluids to build up in the middle ear. If this happens, it can restrict sound waves and prevent them from adequately vibrating the eardrum and the tiny bones in the middle ear. As a result, the sound transmission gets blocked, leading to hearing impairment.
Benign Growths Inside the Ear
Although non-cancerous, benign growths inside the ear can result in conductive hearing loss. Some examples are:
- Sac-like formations of oils and dead skin cells called sebaceous cysts
- Bony tumors affecting the ear canal called osteomas and exostoses
- Scar tissues that form due to injuries or piercings, known as keloids
- Rare growths affecting the middle ear called adenomas
- Abnormal bone growths, known as otosclerosis
- Fluid-filled sacs that develop behind the eardrum, called cholesteatomas
Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
The Eustachian tube is an opening connecting the nasal-sinus cavity with the middle ear. It has several roles, including:
- Removing or draining fluid from the middle ear
- Balancing the pressure in the middle ear
- Safeguarding the inner ear from germs and debris
The Eustachian tube has a valve designed to open and close to perform the above tasks. However, if something goes wrong, the valve may not correctly open, leading to fluid build-up and conductive hearing loss. Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (ETD) is the medical term for the condition wherein this tube doesn’t open properly.
Symptoms of Conductive Hearing Loss
The exact symptoms vary, but conductive hearing loss often results in:
- Trouble hearing quiet sounds
- Loud sounds become muffled
- An uncomfortable “stuffy” feeling in the ear
- Discomfort, sensitivity, or pain inside the ear
- Fluids draining out of the ear
- Dizziness or balance problems
- Tinnitus, which often presents itself as a ringing sound in the ears without a source
- Trouble understanding words, especially in noisy environments or when several people talk simultaneously
Some seniors with conductive hearing loss may also develop mental health problems like anxiety and depression. Their condition can make them:
- Worried and depressed about being unable to hear others and understand conversations
- Frustrated with themselves because of their poor hearing and speech understanding
- Self-conscious or embarrassed about their hearing impediment
All those problems can lead to seniors with hearing loss experiencing loneliness and decreased self-esteem. So, not only can auditory impairments cause unpleasant physical symptoms, but they can also make older adults withdraw from social situations and events and be more prone to mental health conditions.
Conductive Hearing Loss Treatment Options
Treating hearing loss starts with identifying the cause of the hearing impairment. For example, if it’s due to ear infections, you may have to undergo a round of antibiotics or anti-viral medications. The goal is to eliminate the disease before it worsens and restore hearing.
Surgery may be necessary for conductive hearing loss due to ear growth. Removing the tumor should allow you to hear properly again.
Hearing aid options, which are removable assistive devices, are also available for seniors with permanent hearing loss. They won’t restore your hearing to 100% but can help you hear better by enhancing sound clarity and volume.
Cochlear implants, surgical devices that bypass the inner ear, may be better for seniors with more severe hearing loss. Once implanted, they convert acoustic sounds into electrical signals and send them to the hearing nerve and brain.
Live Life to the Fullest Even With Conductive Hearing Loss
From difficulty hearing quiet sounds to dizziness and even anxiety, the symptoms of conductive hearing loss in seniors are unpleasant and even debilitating.
Fortunately, in many cases, the causes of this condition (e.g., wax build-up or infections) are treatable, and their symptoms are manageable. Medications, hearing aids, and surgeries can help restore auditory function, while good hygiene habits can reduce the risk of hearing loss-causing cerumen accumulation.
At Spring Mill Senior Living, our highly educated and caring personal care providers are always ready to help residents with personal hygiene and other daily activities. We also foster socialization, ensuring seniors can choose from our long list of physical, social, and recreational activities.
Contact us today to learn more about Spring Mill Senior Living. We look forward to showing you our lovely senior living community in Phoenixville, PA!